Climate Anxiety: What to Do?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed as you deal with COP26, the Paris Agreement, and the whole climate change topic -, we hope this article will provide you with a list of steps to relieve some of the stress you are experiencing.

Bitely Editor
Last update:calendarApr 20, 2024
Read time:clock11 min
Climate Anxiety: What to Do?
Climate Anxiety: What to Do

If you’re feeling overwhelmed as you deal with COP26, the Paris Agreement, and the whole climate change topic -, we hope this article will provide you with a list of steps to relieve some of the stress you are experiencing.


According to a recent survey conducted by Bath University, six out of ten young people feel worried or highly concerned about climate change — and about half of them feel that way daily.

Perhaps you or someone you know is experiencing climate anxiety or eco-anxiety. But even if you aren’t experiencing these types of anxieties, chances are you have thought about how your actions affect the environment and the rest of the world.

The question then is, what can be done, especially because many of us have no power over our countries' governments? So, we have compiled a list of practical and challenging solutions to guide you on the right path in the fight against global warming and give you some useful ways to deal with anxiety.

The Campaigning and Voting Process

Throughout the last several years, Greta Thunberg, a young activist from Sweden, has gained recognition in the international community for her advocacy against climate change on a global scale. With her help, consumers who were previously unaware of their environmental impact have become aware.

Thunberg points out, in I Am Greta: A Documentary, that young people are expected to be most impacted by the consequences of climate change in the long run and will endure the most hardships as a result. However, our leaders of tomorrow must deal with this sooner rather than later because there is too little time left.

What can we do as a society to give our leaders a better chance of controlling the situation and inspiring them to act as soon as possible? First, to avert climate change, we must exercise our right to vote and ensure that our right to vote is implemented. Political leaders will work harder to incorporate green policies as part of their leadership proposals the more they realize voting power is behind them. Hence, the next time you go to the polls, take a moment to consider the party’s ethical positions before casting your vote.

“We can no longer let the people in power decide what is politically possible. We can no longer let the people in power decide what hope is. Hope is not passive. Hope is not blah, blah, blah. Hope is telling the truth. Hope is taking action. And hope always comes from the people.”

– Greta Thunberg

Take into Consideration The Power That Your Dollar Has

It is hard to earn money, but have you ever wondered where it goes after leaving your wallet? Unfortunately, a few prominent players have undertaken what could be considered some of the worst acts in the industry field, including slavery and child labor, pollution of the environment, and materials sourced irresponsibly. In her book Overdressed, Elizabeth L. Cline discusses that the clothing industry has attracted more attention in recent years because the production of cheap clothes has increased waste and carbon emissions, as well as low wages for workers over the last two decades.

Wouldn’t it be better to invest in a t-shirt made of ethically sourced material that lasts and is eco-friendly rather than buying several cheap t-shirts from a fast fashion retailer? The company Patagonia, for example, prides itself on its eco-credentials and even offers you the option to have your clothes repaired instead of letting them end up in the landfill as proof of its commitment to the environment.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with doing a little extra investigation into a company’s credentials and green policies. It takes little time, but putting your money into companies with favorable environmental policies rather than those with little interest in the environment can have significant long-term effects (and, as a bonus, ease your conscience).

The great thing is that companies are usually motivated by market forces — when they see that it’s the best and most considerate company. With most conscientious green policies gaining business, you can be sure that those businesses will set about developing their own more eco-friendly policies.

The same can be said for banking and investing, as there is more to it than you might realize. If you don’t check the small print on how your money is being used, you might be dirty funding coal and oil companies with your money. So, take the time to check the small print to determine where your money goes.

Recyclability and Compostability

Recycling has become a part of our daily lives for decades, so we don’t even think twice before throwing tin cans into the bin to be recycled.

Despite this, experts say that even if you are the most vigilant, there is still a possibility you might miss something. Are you washing all the contaminants out of your recycling material to ensure you can process the material effectively when recycling, for example?

For example, let’s say we have a napkin or kitchen roll that we have to use. Of course, you can recycle it, but you must ensure it is clean. Perhaps you will dispose of it in the general waste container if it has been used for anything other than drying up water. However, have you thought about composting as an option? You could contribute to preventing overflowing landfill sites by keeping food in the bins provided by your local council or garden.

Buying loose produce when you go shopping and buying fewer items, in general, will lower the quantity of waste you produce.

There are many ways to help you get to where you want to be, and one of them is by growing more of your food. Have you ever considered making your own sourdough bread? If you haven’t done so during lockdown, you should. In the meantime, Barbara Kingsolver’s book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle provides an excellent introduction to growing fruits and vegetables.

Being More Considerate About How We Use Water in Our Daily Lives

You may ask why it is necessary to conserve water when the resource is limitless. Even though this holds to some extent, it also holds that making water acceptable for use by people requires a lot of energy, which means you should limit your use of tap water as much as possible.

In most places, water is viewed and priced as always being enough, so we use it in absurdly wasteful ways.

Showering instead of taking a bath, for instance, uses less than half as much water. Moreover, dermatologists say it may be better for the skin.

Take Your Diet into Consideration

Removing animal products isn’t the only way to reduce your carbon footprint. However, this is perfectly acceptable; a typical hamburger produces a carbon footprint ten times that of an equivalent vegan meal.

It is also essential to think about where and when you purchase your food. The effects of air miles associated with food imports from distant countries are long-lasting. Buy seasonal, fresh produce from your local area instead.

Moreover, look for the least desirable fruits and vegetables, as they will likely end up in landfills. In supermarkets, you can find ‘wonky’ alternatives which otherwise get thrown away. We contaminate our land to produce food that no one will eat.

Save Energy at Home by Reducing Your Usage

Using the timer feature on most boilers, we can set the heating to shut off when we’re away from work. In addition, many people are now using smart thermostats, which can identify when we are at home and whether it is best to pre-heat the house.

The best balance between energy saving and comfort for your heating system is 18 to 19 degrees Celsius, regardless of how you regulate it.

Consider heating individual items instead of an entire room or house, for example, adding a sweater to your body or using an electric blanket on your bed.

Other Helpful Recommendations by Bitely

There are so many helpful and exciting ten-minute pieces of information on Bitely that we couldn’t possibly cover all of them here. However, they are available on the app Bitely. Here are our other few more recommendations that are worth your time:

  • The Emerald Planet (David Beerling)

In The Emerald Planet, Beerling centers plants at the center of the story, illustrating how they have played an important role in global environmental change and help us understand Earth’s past and future.

  • Let There Be Water (Seth M. Siegel)

The book shows how Israel can serve as a model for the U.S. and countries worldwide in coping with the coming water catastrophes. Israel was able to solve its water problem even though 60% of its country was desert, resulting in an abundance of water as well.

  • Oxygen (Nick Lane)

As life evolved, oxygen’s profound and peculiar effects created a puzzle, which this book aims to unravel. It takes the reader on an intriguing journey, almost like a thriller, exploring the surprising ways oxygen plays a role in determining life and death.

  • Renewable (Jeremy Shere)

In five sections, Green Gas, Sun, Wind, Earth, and Water, Renewable explores the most promising and exciting forms of renewable energy: biofuel, wind, solar, geothermal, and hydropower.

  • Braiding Sweetgrass (Robin Wall Kimmerer)

With the help of her expertise as an indigenous scientist and experiences as a woman, Kimmerer illustrates how other living things―strawberries and squash, asters and goldenrods, frogs, ferns, and sweetgrass―can teach us lessons besides providing for us. However, we have lost touch with them.

  • The Secret World of Weather (Tristan Gooley)

Every drop of rain, cloud, temperature swing, ray of sunshine, and wind tells a story about the weather when you know how to read it. In the book, bestselling author Tristan Gooley explores the sky, applying his trademark keen eye and incisive deductions to the captivating world of weather.

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